ensure your home insurance is perfect

ensure your home insurance is perfect

  • Headstones: Something You May Not Know Is Covered By Your Home Insurance

    Not all policyholders realize it, but your homeowner's insurance policy may include coverage for a family headstone that is vandalized or stolen. Usually, the coverage doesn't increase the cost of your premium. Check your policy to find out if it provides coverage for headstones and know where you stand by learning the details of the policy in case you experience this type of insurance loss. Personal Property Coverage If your home insurance covers headstones, you normally find it under the Personal Property (Coverage C) section of your policy.

  • About Me

    ensure your home insurance is perfect

    Home insurance can be complicated. How do you know how much coverage you need? How much of a deductible should you set? Does your home insurance cover all of the potential disasters that can happen? Will you get a big enough payout to replace the items that you would lose during a disaster? My blog is loaded with tips and advice that can help you improve your home insurance policy. It is my hope that my personal experience with loss can help you read, understand and improve your personal home insurance policy and avoid the costly mistakes that I had made.